S’Wanderings: Cape Ann, Massachusetts – Wicked Peacock
Admittedly, I’m no fashionista. I’m a jeans-‘n-sweater kind of gal. Or, at home, a comfy pants and soft sweatshirt person. Yup, I’m someone who’s usually more interested in paper fashion than wearable fashion.
That said, I do love me some accessories—jewelry, and handbags, and scarves, oh my! I tend toward items with clean lines, but a little something interesting going on. Something whimsical or clever or funky or unexpected.
Usually, this combo of chic and quirky doesn’t fall within my price range. Let’s face it; good design can be spendy. So, it was with something bordering on kid-in-a-candy-store glee that I discovered the Wicked Peacock Accessory Boutique in my Rockport wanderings. (Any wonder the shop name caught my eye?)
Even before you walk through the door, you get one of those “oh, this is gonna be good” feelings, and that plays out from front to back, in a shopping experience carefully crafted by owner, Silvana Costa.
Costa’s selections are smart. They range from genuinely understated pieces to a few items that are outright outrageous, but all of them work together beautifully. There’s a harmony and an intelligence to what she’s brought into her store, and how it’s arranged.
Wicked Peacock has pretty much anything you could need accessory-wise, and it’s all laid out so it’s easy to see and peruse and then move on to the next display when you’re ready—even when the store is packed. (I do love a store that gives you enough room to move around, without feeling like you’re going to have to perform an intimate slow dance with a stranger, just to get at a good look at a cool bangle.)
But, I digress. As I mentioned, pretty much every accessory desire can be fulfilled in this store. Need something to carry things around in? Wicked Peacock has totes, clutches, wallets, and hand bags aplenty.
What about a little jewelry to brighten your wardrobe? No matter your style—be it exotic, retro, or bohemian—you’ll find it, here. Costa stocks everything: earrings, necklaces, bracelets, rings.
Or, how about a funky hat or cute top or a nifty new pair of shades? Wicked Peacock has it.
And, best of all—you can get all of this stuff at some seriously reasonable prices. So, if you’re thinking ahead to the holidays, or a gal pal has a birthday coming up, or you simply want a little splurge all to yourself, you won’t be breaking your budget to invest in something. Your only challenge may be choosing what you walk out with. (In my case, I snapped up the wooden hoops in the foreground, below. I just couldn’t leave them behind.)
To be honest, I wish I’d purchased more; I can think of a dozen gifts I could have bought for various fabulous friends and family members, while I was there.
So, next time you’re heading to Rockport, make a gifts list ahead of time, and leave yourself some time for discovering all the “S’Wicked cool” stuff at Wicked Peacock.
Wicked Peacock is located at 17 Dock Square, in Rockport, Massachusetts—right in the heart of downtown, where Dock Square meets Bearskin Neck. Please call for hours.